Runscript zz_upgrade – Opens up the enchantment menu, you still need the gear though. Runscript zz_reveal_map – Reveals the current map rogue) and substitute “XX” for the level you want your character to be Runscript wizard, rogue, warrior XX – Just choose one (i.e. You can substitute “NPCname” for: Alistair, Dog, Morrigan, Wynne, Shale, Sten, Zevran Oghren or Leliana. Runscript zz_addparty NPCname – Add a party member to your existing party. Runscript zz_money X – Adds “X” amount of copper coins, where 1000 copper coins equal to one silver and 10,000 equal to one gold.

Runscript pc_immortal – God-mode cheat, always useful. Runscript killallhostiles – Kills every critter/hostile you see in front of you Runscript healplayer – Heals both player and party members, including mana pool. You can level this way and avoid using the Skill cheats. Runscript addxp X – Add the required XP to level or more, where “X” is substituted for the amount of XP you want to add.

Most commands use the “runscript” function and, as usual, you can have lots of fun with various effects. Launch your newly created shortcut and everything will work fine, so you can begin typing some cheat codes for “Dragon Age: Origins.” General Commands Navigate to “My Documents\Bioware\Dragon Age\Settings” and click on “KeyBindings.ini.” Find the entry “OpenConsole_0=” and after equal copy/paste “Control + Keyboard::Button_C” which sets your console to open when you hit CTRL + C in-game. Place the font in “My Documents\Bioware\Dragon Age\Packages\Core\Data” Download the font “Fonts.erf” so the text you type shows up, otherwise it doesn’t and you won’t see possible typos.