Limited information is available on the performance of OrcaFlex in floating wind load and motion predictions. In order to establish an achievable level of modelling accuracy and predictive value of BHawC/OrcaFlex, the code was verified against another aero-hydro-servo-elastic software code: OrcaFlex, by setting up a similar model of the Hywind system in both codes. Measurement data and a description of the ’as-built’ system were made available by the wind farm owner Equinor ASA. thesis project is to validate the performance of BHawC/OrcaFlex by comparing its simulated load and motion results to measurements on a real-world floating turbine from the Hywind Scotland floating offshore wind farm (Hywind).

Due to its novelty, however, validation of the code has only been carried out to a limited extend, giving rise to uncertainty about the interpretation of simulation results. One promising state-of-the-art aero-hydro-servo-elastic software code is BHawC/OrcaFlex, developed by Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy (SGRE). Predictive accuracy can be improved by comparing simulation results from a model of a known system against measurements taken from the real-world system, a so-called model validation. Floating offshore wind turbine structures are designed using ’aero-hydro-servo-elastic’ software codes that simulate the dynamic response of a floating offshore wind turbine system to the offshore environment. To reduce costs of floating wind energy, reliable, detailed predictions of the system’s loads and motion response are crucial. 80% of the worldwide offshore wind is to be produced on locations in deep waters here floating foundations are required, that to date are far more expensive than their bottom-fixed counterparts. Offshore wind is an important source of clean, renewable energy, and it plays a key role in the transition. Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)Ĭlimate change, as a result from global warming, requires an energy transition: the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels and a radical innovation of the global energy system to proceed apace. (TU Delft Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering TU Delft Aerospace Engineering Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)) Validation of aero-hydro-servo-elastic load and motion simulations in BHawC/OrcaFlex for the Hywind Scotland floating offshore wind farmīussemakers, P.J.M.